Analytical Abilities

78. If O is on the same as P, which of the following pairs must be on a team togather?

  • ক. M and S
  • খ. M and T
  • গ. N and Q
  • ঘ. N and S

উত্তরঃ M and T


79. If M is on the same team as S, which of the following could be true?

  • ক. O is on a team with only other member
  • খ. N is on a team with only other member
  • গ. N is on the same team as P
  • ঘ. Q is on the same team as S

উত্তরঃ N is on the same team as P


82. If M is on the same team as O, which of the following could be true?

  • ক. Two women are on a team together
  • খ. Two men are on a team together
  • গ. M is on a team with P
  • ঘ. N is on a team with T

উত্তরঃ N is on a team with T


83. If one man is on each team, any of the following pairs could be together on a team EXCEPT

  • ক. M and N
  • খ. M and Q
  • গ. N and O
  • ঘ. N and Q

উত্তরঃ M and N


85. If P and R are in row 2, which of the following must be true?

  • ক. N is in row 2
  • খ. Q is in row 1
  • গ. Q is in row 4
  • ঘ. S is in row 3

সঠিক উত্তরের জয় বিস্তারিত দেখুন

88. If L is on the team, what other individuals must also be on the team?

  • ক. R and T only
  • খ. R,T and N
  • গ. R,T and O
  • ঘ. R only

উত্তরঃ R,T and O


89. If O is not on the team, which of the other players must be on the team?

  • ক. No other particular player must be on the team if O is not chosen.
  • খ. M only
  • গ. R and S only
  • ঘ. R,S,T and M

উত্তরঃ R,S,T and M


90. If both S and T are chosen for the team, what other individuals must be on the team with them?

  • ক. L only
  • খ. M only
  • গ. M and O only
  • ঘ. O only

উত্তরঃ M and O only


91. How many different teams can be formed without R?

  • ক. 0
  • খ. 1
  • গ. 2
  • ঘ. 3

উত্তরঃ 1


93. All of the following pairs of diplomats can speak to each other without a translator except--

  • ক. P and R
  • খ. P and T
  • গ. Q and S
  • ঘ. Q and R

উত্তরঃ Q and R


94. The language spoken by the most diplomats is--

  • ক. English
  • খ. French
  • গ. German
  • ঘ. Italian

উত্তরঃ German


95. If S and T wish to speak to each other, which other diplomats could serve as translator? I. P II. Q III. R

  • ক. I only
  • খ. II only
  • গ. III only
  • ঘ. I and II only

উত্তরঃ I and II only


96. A meadow in springtime is beautiful, even if no one is there to appreciate it. The statement above would be logical rebuttal to which of the following claims?

  • ক. People will see only what they want to see
  • খ. Beauty is only skin deep
  • গ. There's no accounting for taste
  • ঘ. Beauty exists only in the eye of the beholder

উত্তরঃ Beauty exists only in the eye of the beholder


97. Since it is possible that substances contained in certain tree roots may provide a cure for cancer, the government must provide sufficient funds to allow thorough testing of this possibility. The argument above assumes that-

  • ক. Substances contained in certain tree roots will probably cure cancer.
  • খ. The line of research mentioned offers at present the most promising possibility for finding a cure for cancer.
  • গ. The possibility of finding a cure is sufficient reason for funding research into possible cancer cures.
  • ঘ. A cure for cancer would be extremely valuable to society.

উত্তরঃ The possibility of finding a cure is sufficient reason for funding research into possible cancer cures.


98. How much was the original cost of a radio which was sold for Tk. 2,300? (1) The radio was sold for a discount of 10% from its original cost (2) The sales tax was Tk 150

  • ক. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but statement (2) alone is not sufficient
  • খ. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but statement (1) alone is not sufficient
  • গ. Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER statement alone is sufficient
  • ঘ. EACH statement ALONE is sufficient

উত্তরঃ Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER statement alone is sufficient


99. What was the percentage of difective items produced at a factory? (1) The total number of difective items produced was 1234 (2) The ratio of defective items to nondefective items was 32 to 5678.

  • ক. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but statement (2) alone is not sufficient
  • খ. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but statement (1) alone is not sufficient
  • গ. Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER statement alone is sufficient
  • ঘ. EACH statement ALONE is sufficient

উত্তরঃ Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but statement (1) alone is not sufficient


100. Is x greater than zero? (1) x4 - 16 = 0 (2) x3 - 8 = 0

  • ক. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient but statement (2) alone is not sufficient
  • খ. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but statement (1) alone is not sufficient
  • গ. Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NEITHER statement alone is sufficient
  • ঘ. EACH statement ALONE is sufficient

উত্তরঃ Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient but statement (1) alone is not sufficient


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