সকল সরকারী/বেসরকারী পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন পেতে ক্লিক করুন গণিতের আইকিউ টেস্ট করতে ক্লিক করুন
If Gopal and John are 1st and 2nd on the program respectively, then which of the following must be true?
If Gopal and John are 1st and 2nd on the program respectively, then which of the following must be true?
- ক. Imran is 5th
- খ. Lincoln is 5th
- গ. Hafiz is 6th
- ঘ. Imran is 6th
সঠিক উত্তরঃ Lincoln is 5th
এ সম্পর্কিত আরো প্রশ্ন দেখুন
- Is x greater than zero? (I) x4 - 16 = 0 (II) x3 - 8 = 0
- If T is included in a gift box, the box must also include which of the following kinds of candy?
- Which number should come next in the series: 1,3,6,10,15?
- Which number should replace the question mark? 17 8 5 5 13 7 5 4 6 12 6 3 10 6 4 ?
- ABCDEFGH is a cube. What is the length of the line segment AG? I. The length of the line segment AB is 4 inches. II. The area of the square BCGH is 16 square inches.

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