সকল সরকারী/বেসরকারী পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন পেতে ক্লিক করুন গণিতের আইকিউ টেস্ট করতে ক্লিক করুন
The ambassador was bombared with questions' means -
The ambassador was bombared with questions' means -
- ক. The ambassador made many bombs
- খ. The ambassador made bombs with questions
- গ. The ambassador was asked too many unpleasent questions
- ঘ. The ambassador was bombed to death
সঠিক উত্তরঃ The ambassador was asked too many unpleasent questions
এ সম্পর্কিত আরো প্রশ্ন দেখুন
- 'Look over ' means -
- No one knew what to say, but at last I "broke the ice".
- 'Riding for a fall' means-
- 'On the eve of ' phrase টির অর্থ হচ্ছে -
- You should try to 'make good' your loss . The phrase means -

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