সকল সরকারী/বেসরকারী পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন পেতে ক্লিক করুন গণিতের আইকিউ টেস্ট করতে ক্লিক করুন
Chris Evan's name is associated with which of the following sports?
Chris Evan's name is associated with which of the following sports?
- ক. Shooting
- খ. Swimming
- গ. Tennis
- ঘ. Skating
সঠিক উত্তরঃ Tennis
এ সম্পর্কিত আরো প্রশ্ন দেখুন
- Olympic-2012 was held in:
- In which country is the next Olympic games going to be held?
- Who were runners-up in Football World Cup 2010?
- 'Ashes' is the terms associated with which of the following sports?
- Which Mughal emperor is laid in rest in Yangon?

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International Sports and Games