সকল সরকারী/বেসরকারী পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন পেতে ক্লিক করুন গণিতের আইকিউ টেস্ট করতে ক্লিক করুন
What was the profit after tax for Dhaka Bank Ltd. in the year 2008?
What was the profit after tax for Dhaka Bank Ltd. in the year 2008?
- ক. Tk 956 million
- খ. Tk 383 million
- গ. Tk 734 million
- ঘ. Tk 839 million
সঠিক উত্তরঃ এখানে সঠিক উত্তর নেই।
এ সম্পর্কিত আরো প্রশ্ন দেখুন
- What is the most abundant form of money (measured by value) in a developed economy?
- In which circumstance will an increase in the public sector deficit not lead to an increase in the money supply other things being equal?
- Which of the following will be likely to result from an open market purchase of securities by the central bank?
- How do commercial banks create money?
- What will be consequence of a rise in the supply of money, if the money value of national income and the general level of prices both stay constant?

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