English Literature

451. T.S. Eliot is a ---- poet.

  • ক. romantic
  • খ. victorian
  • গ. modern
  • ঘ. post modern

উত্তরঃ modern


452. T.S. Eliot is an English poet who is famous for his sensuousness. Who do T.S stand for ?

  • ক. Thomas Stearns
  • খ. Thompson Simson
  • গ. Thomas Stewart
  • ঘ. Thomas Stephen

উত্তরঃ Thomas Stearns


453. 'The Waste Land' is -

  • ক. a drama
  • খ. a poem
  • গ. a novel
  • ঘ. an eassy

উত্তরঃ a poem


454. Who wrote 'The Waste Land' ?

  • ক. W.B Yeats
  • খ. Robert Frost
  • গ. W.H. Auden
  • ঘ. T.S. Elliot

উত্তরঃ T.S. Elliot


455. Who was awarded Nobel Prize for the poem 'The Waste Land' ?

  • ক. D.H. Lawrence
  • খ. Lord Tennyson
  • গ. T.S. Eliot
  • ঘ. William Wordsworth

উত্তরঃ T.S. Eliot


456. Murder in the Cathedral is written by ---?

  • ক. Harold Pinter
  • খ. T.S. Eliot
  • গ. G.B. Shaw
  • ঘ. Samuel Becket

উত্তরঃ T.S. Eliot


457. Who is famous for the theory of 'Objective Co-relative' ?

  • ক. Virginia Woolf
  • খ. T.S. Eliot
  • গ. Edward Morgan Forster
  • ঘ. William Somerset Maugham

উত্তরঃ T.S. Eliot


458. Who is the author of the book 'Of Human Bondage' ?

  • ক. Charles Dickens
  • খ. Smoerset Maugham
  • গ. Jane Austen
  • ঘ. D.H. Lawrence

উত্তরঃ Smoerset Maugham


459. 'সমারসেটমম' - কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান ?

  • ক. Somerset Maugham
  • খ. Somerset Mom
  • গ. Somerset Mauhm
  • ঘ. Somerset Maghm

উত্তরঃ Somerset Maugham


460. What kind of literary work is 'The Luncheon' by Somerset Maugham ?

  • ক. A novel
  • খ. A short story
  • গ. A poem
  • ঘ. A scientific article

উত্তরঃ A short story


461. Who was a statesman but awarded noble prize in English literature ?

  • ক. Stalin
  • খ. Nixon
  • গ. Churchil
  • ঘ. Rosevelt

উত্তরঃ Churchil


462. In Which year Sir Winston Churchill got the Nobel Prize in literature ?

  • ক. 1943
  • খ. 1945
  • গ. 1948
  • ঘ. 1953

উত্তরঃ 1953


463. History of the II world war is written by -

  • ক. Keats
  • খ. Winston Churchill
  • গ. Clinton
  • ঘ. None of them

উত্তরঃ Winston Churchill


465. What is the full name of O' Henry ?

  • ক. Walt Whitman
  • খ. William Sydney Porter
  • গ. M. K . Bawlings
  • ঘ. O' Neill

উত্তরঃ William Sydney Porter


466. What is the full name of the great American short story writer O' Henry ?

  • ক. Walt Whitman
  • খ. William Sydney Porter
  • গ. Mark Twain
  • ঘ. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

উত্তরঃ William Sydney Porter


467. O' Henry is famous for --- ?

  • ক. Drama
  • খ. Short story
  • গ. Novel
  • ঘ. Poems

উত্তরঃ Short story


468. Who was the greatest modern American short story writer ?

  • ক. E. Hemingway
  • খ. S. Bellow
  • গ. W. A . Longfellow
  • ঘ. O' Henry

উত্তরঃ O' Henry


469. Nobel Prize winner American woman novelist is --- ?

  • ক. Bronte
  • খ. Austen
  • গ. Woolf
  • ঘ. Pearl S. Buck

উত্তরঃ Pearl S. Buck


470. American female novelist Pearl S. Buck got nobel prize in 1938 for the book ---?

  • ক. The Good Earth
  • খ. House Divided
  • গ. The Patriot
  • ঘ. De Cameron

উত্তরঃ The Good Earth


471. 'The Good Earth' has written by --- ?

  • ক. Virginia Woolf
  • খ. George Eliot
  • গ. Charles Dickens
  • ঘ. Pearl S. Buck

উত্তরঃ Pearl S. Buck


472. D. H. Lawrence a famous novelist of modern age is not the author of one of the four Novels mentioned below. Which is the Novel ?

  • ক. The Rainbow
  • খ. Ulysses
  • গ. Sons and Lovers
  • ঘ. Lady Chatterley's Lover

উত্তরঃ Ulysses


473. The rainbow is ---?

  • ক. a poem by Wordsworth
  • খ. a short story by Somerset Maugham
  • গ. a novel by D. H . Lawrence
  • ঘ. a verse by Coleridge

উত্তরঃ a novel by D. H . Lawrence


474. Lady Chatterley's Lover was written by the author of --

  • ক. A Passage to India
  • খ. Lord Jim
  • গ. Rainbow
  • ঘ. Ulysses

উত্তরঃ Rainbow


475. Lady Chatterley's Lover is a novel written by --

  • ক. William Somerset Maugham
  • খ. Thomas Hardy
  • গ. Charles Dickens
  • ঘ. D.H. Lawrence

উত্তরঃ D.H. Lawrence


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