English Correction

1. I dentify the correct sentence:

  • ক. Studying the development of quokkas and crows is one way to go beyond just-so stories in trying understand how we got human.
  • খ. Studying the development of quokkas and crows are one way to go beyond just-so stories in trying understand how we got to be human.
  • গ. Studying the development of quokkas and crows is one way to go beyond just-so stories in trying understand how we got to be human.
  • ঘ. Studying the development of quokkas and crows are one way to go beyond just-so stories in trying understand how we got human.

উত্তরঃ Studying the development of quokkas and crows is one way to go beyond just-so stories in trying understand how we got to be human.


2. Which of the following sentence correctly uses punctuations?

  • ক. China already has three profound interest in Central Asia, in securig supplies of energy, in the land route to Europe, and in ensurign stability in its own.
  • খ. China already has three profound interest in Central Asia: in securig supplies of energy, in the land route to Europe and in ensurign stability in its own.
  • গ. China already has three profound interest in Central Asia - in securig supplies of energy; in the land route to Europe, and in ensurign stability in its own.
  • ঘ. China already has three profound interest in Central Asia: in securig supplies of energy; in the land route to Europe; and in ensurign stability in its own.

উত্তরঃ China already has three profound interest in Central Asia: in securig supplies of energy; in the land route to Europe; and in ensurign stability in its own.


3. Which of the following sentence is correct?

  • ক. Another big question is what exactly Alibaba's Big Data Strategy?
  • খ. Another big question is what exactly is Alibaba's Big Data Strategy?
  • গ. Another big question what exactly is Alibaba's Big Data Strategy?
  • ঘ. Another big question is what is exactly Alibaba's Big Data Strategy?

উত্তরঃ Another big question is what exactly is Alibaba's Big Data Strategy?


4. Which of the following sentence correctly uses punctuations?

  • ক. Singapor's "Gini coefficient", the best-known economic measure of income disparity-is the second highest in the developed world.
  • খ. Singapor's "Gini coefficient"- the best-known economic measure of income disparity-is the second highest in the developed world.
  • গ. Singapor's "Gini coefficient": the best-known economic measure of income disparity; is the second highest in the developed world.
  • ঘ. Singapor's "Gini coefficient"; the best-known economic measure of income disparity; is the second highest in the developed world.

উত্তরঃ Singapor's "Gini coefficient"- the best-known economic measure of income disparity-is the second highest in the developed world.


5. Which of the following sentence is correct?

  • ক. Results suggests that exercise alone may not be enough to eliminate risks associated with too much sitting.
  • খ. Results which suggests that exercise alone may not be enough to eliminate risks associated too much sitting.
  • গ. Results suggest that exercise alone may not be enough to eliminate risks associated with too much sitting.
  • ঘ. Results suggesting that exercise alone may not be enough to eliminate risks associated with too much sitting.

উত্তরঃ Results suggest that exercise alone may not be enough to eliminate risks associated with too much sitting.


6. Choose the correct sentence--

  • ক. If I found a bag in the street, I will take it to the police.
  • খ. If I found a bag in the street, I took it to the police.
  • গ. If I found a bag in the street, I'd take it to the police.
  • ঘ. If I found a bag in the street, I'll be taking it to the police.

উত্তরঃ If I found a bag in the street, I'd take it to the police.


7. Choose the correct sentence--

  • ক. When there is chaos in society the economy of the country do not developed.
  • খ. The economy of the country will not be developed when there is chaos in society.
  • গ. Economic conditions does not improved when there is chaos in society.
  • ঘ. The economy of the country will not develop if there is chaos in society.

উত্তরঃ The economy of the country will not develop if there is chaos in society.


10. Which sentence is correct?

  • ক. The Nile is longest river in Africa
  • খ. The Nile is longest river in the Africa
  • গ. The Nile is the longest river in Africa
  • ঘ. None of the above

উত্তরঃ The Nile is the longest river in Africa


11. Select the option that corrects the quoted section -- 'The setting of a story "effects the story's plot".

  • ক. effect the story's plot
  • খ. effect the stories plot
  • গ. affects the story's plot
  • ঘ. None of the above

উত্তরঃ affects the story's plot


12. Which sentence is correct?

  • ক. This is an unique case
  • খ. This is a unique case
  • গ. This is a very unique case
  • ঘ. None of the above

উত্তরঃ This is a unique case


13. The error in the sentence, 'One of the recommendation made by the committee was accepted by the authorities' is--

  • ক. recommendation
  • খ. was
  • গ. accepted
  • ঘ. None of the above

উত্তরঃ recommendation


14. নিচের কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ ?

  • ক. My father was in hospital during six weeks in summer
  • খ. My father was in a hospital for six weeks during the summer
  • গ. My father was in a hospital during six weeks in summer
  • ঘ. In summer during six weeks my father was in hospital

উত্তরঃ My father was in a hospital for six weeks during the summer


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