উত্তরা ব্যাংক লিমিটেড এর প্রবেশনারী অফিসার

27. Just who inspired English painter John Constable's marvelously enigmatic cloud studies, much prized by collectors have never been entirely clear.

  • ক. studies, much prized by collectors, have
  • খ. studies, much prized by collectors, has
  • গ. Studies, many of them prized by collectors, have
  • ঘ. studies, many of which are prized by collectors,

28. The starling, a bird mentioned in one of Shakespeare's plays, was first introduced in the United State in 1890 and has since become a significant pest species.

  • ক. was first introduced in the United States om 1890 and has since become
  • খ. were first introduced in the United States in 1890 and has since become
  • গ. was first introduced to the United States in 1890 and would since become
  • ঘ. was first introduced to the United States in 1890 and since became

29. Contrasting with the works of the rationalists, Hume held that passion rather than reason governs human behavior and postulated that humans can have knowledge only of the objects of experience.

  • ক. contrasting with the works of the rationalists,
  • খ. in contrast with the rationalists work,
  • গ. in contrast to those of the rationalists,
  • ঘ. Unlike the rationalists,

30. By day, hippos enjoy bathing in water to cool themselves down, which might have contributed to their reputation for being relatively sluggish and sedentary.

  • ক. which might have contributed to their reputation for being
  • খ. which might contribute to its reputation for being
  • গ. and this might have contributed to their reputation to be
  • ঘ. a preference that might contribute to their reputation for being

31. Select the sentence the sentence with appropriate form :

  • ক. If Salina had the money, she would buy a fast car.
  • খ. It I know the answer, I would tell you.
  • গ. If I was you, I would put your jacket on
  • ঘ. It would be nine if the weather is better

32. Choose the sentence with appropriate use of 'some' :

  • ক. I want to buy some new shoe
  • খ. Would you like to buy some apples?
  • গ. Rana has listened to some music
  • ঘ. He bought some piece of cheese

34. Passive voice of 'If you're doing something important, you are working to make change happen.'

  • ক. If something important is done, work is done to make changed happen
  • খ. something important is being done by you, you are making change happen
  • গ. If something important is being done, work is being done to make change happen.
  • ঘ. If important work is being done, change is about to happen

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