এসএসআই NSI এর ফিল্ড অফিসার
26. While (walk) in the morning, I saw them playing.
- ক. walk
- খ. walked
- গ. walking
- ঘ. walks
27. Don't mention anything unless you (ask) for.
- ক. ask
- খ. were asked
- গ. are asked
- ঘ. will ask
28. Find out the correct form -
- ক. It is you who is responsible for this.
- খ. It is you who are responsible for this.
- গ. It is you who is respond for this.
- ঘ. It is you who responds for this.
29. Find out the correct form -
- ক. I, you and Shuma are guilty.
- খ. Shuma, you and I are guilty.
- গ. Shuma, I and you are guilty.
- ঘ. I, you and Shuma is guilty.
30. Find out the correct form -
- ক. I got the work done by him.
- খ. I got the work doing by him.
- গ. I got the work been done by him.
- ঘ. I got the work was doing by him.
31. 'Doing something at the drop of a hat' - What does the idiom mean?
- ক. doing something slowly
- খ. doing something instantaneously
- গ. doing something irrationally
- ঘ. doing something later
32. A synonym of 'Prolife is ?
- ক. terrrific
- খ. productive
- গ. sophistic
- ঘ. proactive
33. Fill in the blank: The poet had acquaintance ---- the renowned writers of his time.'
- ক. to
- খ. from
- গ. by
- ঘ. wiht
34. Which is the correct spelling of the following?
- ক. greatfulness
- খ. gratefullness
- গ. gratefulness
- ঘ. greatfullness
35. ---- man standing in front of you is a doctor.
- ক. a
- খ. the
- গ. an
- ঘ. no article
36. Rupa is ---- taller of the two sisters.
- ক. the
- খ. a
- গ. an
- ঘ. no article
37. After a while they have arrived their destination. The underlined word is a/an -
- ক. prepostion
- খ. adverb
- গ. noun
- ঘ. conjunction
38. The synonym of the word 'Instantaneous' is
- ক. gradual
- খ. quick
- গ. obedient
- ঘ. deceive
39. Which of the following is the passive voice form of 'Smartphones are very cheap today'?
- ক. Smartphones are being very cheap today.
- খ. Smartphones can be very cheap today.
- গ. Smartphones are available at a very cheap today.
- ঘ. Smartphones are considered to be very cheap today.
40. He tried his best but --- failed once again.
- ক. as ill luck would have it
- খ. at the bottom of
- গ. at a stone's throw
- ঘ. at the disposal of
41. The antonym of the word ''sanctification' is -
- ক. desecration
- খ. declaration
- গ. sanction
- ঘ. degradation
42. As soon as he saw me, he ran away. The correct negative form is -
- ক. No sooner had he seen me he ran away.
- খ. No sooner had he seen me than he ran away.
- গ. No sooner had he saw me than he ran away.
- ঘ. He did not see me and he ran away.
43. A fire (break) out in the slums last night.
- ক. broke
- খ. broken
- গ. has broken
- ঘ. was broken
44. Find out the correct form -
- ক. Father prayed that I might pass the exam.
- খ. Father prayed for me that I may pass in the exam.
- গ. Father said that I might pass the exam
- ঘ. Father prayed for me that I may passed the exam.
45. নিচের কোনটি বাংলাদেশকে স্বীকৃতিদানকারী প্রথম সমাজতান্ত্রিক দেশ?
- ক. আয়ারল্যান্ড
- খ. বুলগেনিয়া
- গ. পূর্ব জার্মানি
- ঘ. সোভিয়েত ইউনিয়ন
46. ১৯৭১ সালে স্বাধীনতা পরবর্তী সময়ে বাংলাদেশে কয়টি বিভাগ ছিল?
- ক. চারটি
- খ. পাঁচটি
- গ. ছয়টি
- ঘ. তিনটি
47. বাংলাদেশ সরকার এ পর্যন্ত কতটি পঞ্চবার্ষিক পরিকল্পনা গ্রহণ করেছে?
- ক. ৬টি
- খ. ৭টি
- গ. ৮টি
- ঘ. ৯টি
48. ভারতবর্ষে ব্রিটিশ শাসনের অবসান হয় কতসালে?
- ক. ১৯৬৭ সালে
- খ. ১৯৭১ সালে
- গ. ১৯৫২ সালে
- ঘ. ১৯৪৭ সালে
49. বাংলাদেশের উপর দিয়ে কোন রেখাটি গিয়েছে?
- ক. বিষুব রেখা
- খ. আন্তর্জাতিক তারিখ রেখা
- গ. মকরক্রান্তি রেখা
- ঘ. কর্কটক্রান্তি রেখা
50. মাননীয় প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে কোন সেক্টরে জাতিসংঘ কর্তৃক অ্যাওয়ার্ড পান?
- ক. SDG Progress award
- খ. MDG Progress award
- গ. নারীর ক্ষমতায়ন
- ঘ. দারিদ্র বিমোচন