Sentence Transformations
1. Select the right compound structure of the sentence : “Though he is poor, he is honest”.
- ক. He is poor and honest
- খ. As he is poor, he is honest
- গ. He is poor but honest
- ঘ. Since he is poor, he is honest
উত্তরঃ He is poor but honest
2. “A rolling stone gathers no moss ” The complex form of the sentence is-
- ক. Since a stone is rolling, it gathers no moss.
- খ. Though a stone rolls, it gathers no moss.
- গ. A stone what rolls gathers no moss.
- ঘ. A stone that rolls gathers no moss.
উত্তরঃ A stone that rolls gathers no moss.
3. "We were no more surprised than Rahman."
- ক. We were less surprised then Rahman
- খ. We were all surprised
- গ. Rahman was less surprised than us
- ঘ. We were as surprised as Rahman
উত্তরঃ We were as surprised as Rahman
4. The sentence "Who would have thought Shylock was so unkind?"
- ক. hyperbole
- খ. interrogation
- গ. command
- ঘ. wonder
উত্তরঃ wonder
- ক. Neither you nor I am in a sound position
- খ. Laziness is detrimental for success
- গ. He begged the favour of my granting him leave
- ঘ. Your action is not in conformity with the law
উত্তরঃ Laziness is detrimental for success
- ক. He has ono desire for fame
- খ. I intend going to Rajshahi
- গ. He is too miserly to part with his money
- ঘ. He has invited me for dinner
উত্তরঃ I intend going to Rajshahi
8. I have not heared from him-
- ক. long since
- খ. for a long time
- গ. since long
- ঘ. for long
উত্তরঃ for a long time
10. He watched the boat -- down the river.
- ক. to float
- খ. floating
- গ. was floathing
- ঘ. had floated
উত্তরঃ floating
11. A rocket flying to the moon dose not need wings because-
- ক. it has no engine
- খ. space has too much dust
- গ. it has no fuel
- ঘ. space is airless
উত্তরঃ space is airless
12. He - consciouusness as a result of his head hitting the car's dashboard.
- ক. failed
- খ. broke
- গ. lost
- ঘ. passed
উত্তরঃ lost
13. Only after I - home, did I remember my doctor's appoinment.
- ক. going
- খ. go
- গ. went
- ঘ. gone
উত্তরঃ went
14. Dhaka is becoming one of the - cities in Asia.
- ক. more busy
- খ. busy
- গ. busiest
- ঘ. most busiest
উত্তরঃ busiest
15. New programs will be - next week in Bangladesh Television.
- ক. telecast
- খ. published
- গ. telecasted
- ঘ. broadcasted
উত্তরঃ telecast
17. Identify the imperative sentence.
- ক. I shall go to college
- খ. Matin is singing a song
- গ. Stand up
- ঘ. It has been raining since morning
উত্তরঃ Stand up
18. What would have happened if-?
- ক. The bridege is broken
- খ. The bridege would break
- গ. The bridege had broken
- ঘ. The bridege had been broken
উত্তরঃ The bridege had broken
20. He gave up - football when he got married.
- ক. of playing
- খ. to play
- গ. playing
- ঘ. play
উত্তরঃ playing
21. Do not make a noise while your father-
- ক. is sleeping
- খ. has slept
- গ. assleep
- ঘ. is being asleep
উত্তরঃ is sleeping
23. As the sun -, I decided to go out.
- ক. has shone
- খ. shine
- গ. shines
- ঘ. was shining
উত্তরঃ was shining
- ক. circulation
- খ. current
- গ. procession
- ঘ. flow
উত্তরঃ flow
25. Fill in the blank with the corrent phrase : He - arrested if he had tried to leave the country.
- ক. would
- খ. could be
- গ. would have been
- ঘ. must be
উত্তরঃ would have been