The Noun
3. 'Comple' শব্দটির Noun হচ্ছে-----
- ক. Compelness
- খ. Compulsion
- গ. tranquil
- ঘ. Compelled
উত্তরঃ Compulsion
4. This ring is made of gold --বাক্য ' gold' শব্দটি কোন প্রকারের Noun?
- ক. Common noun
- খ. Collective noun
- গ. Material noun
- ঘ. Abstract noun
উত্তরঃ Material noun
5. 'Our team is better than yours' --বাক্য ' team' শব্দটি কোন প্রকারের Noun?
- ক. Common noun
- খ. Collective noun
- গ. Material noun
- ঘ. Abstract noun
উত্তরঃ Collective noun
- ক. Defame
- খ. Indemnity
- গ. Articulation
- ঘ. Simulation
উত্তরঃ Defame
7. What type of noun the word 'Infancy' is ?
- ক. Material
- খ. Collewctive
- গ. Common
- ঘ. Abstract
উত্তরঃ Abstract
10. A rewward has been announced for the employees who ____ hard .
- ক. has worked
- খ. will be worked
- গ. have had worked
- ঘ. have worked
উত্তরঃ have worked
11. What type of noun the word ' chemistry' is
- ক. abstract
- খ. material
- গ. proper
- ঘ. common
উত্তরঃ proper
12. What kind of noun is ' discipline ' ?
- ক. abstruct noun
- খ. collective noun
- গ. proper noun
- ঘ. common noun
উত্তরঃ abstruct noun
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