1. ট্রেনটি ঢাকা যাবে এর Translation -
- ক. The train is going to Dhaka
- খ. The train is bound for Dhaka
- গ. The train is leaving for Dhaka
- ঘ. The train will go to Dhaka
উত্তরঃ The train is bound for Dhaka
2. অপমানের চেয়ে মৃত্যু শ্রেয়। এ বাক্যটির সঠিক ইংরেজি ট্রান্সলেশন কোনটি?
- ক. Death is preferable than dishonor
- খ. Death is more better than dishonor
- গ. Death is more preferable than dishonor
- ঘ. Death is preferable to dishonour
উত্তরঃ Death is preferable to dishonour
3. The correct translation of the sentence ‘সে কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ় হয়ে গেল’ is -
- ক. He found himself at his witt's end
- খ. He found himself at his wit's end
- গ. He found himself at witt's end
- ঘ. He found himself at wit's end
উত্তরঃ He found himself at his wit's end
4. The English translation of 'আমরা না হেসে পারলাম না' is -
- ক. We did nothing but laugh
- খ. We laughed and did nothing
- গ. We could not but laugh
- ঘ. We did not laugh but could not do anything
উত্তরঃ We could not but laugh
5. The correct translation of ‘দুঃখের প্রয়োজনীয়তা মধুর’ is -
- ক. Sweet are uses of adversity
- খ. Sweet is uses of adversity
- গ. Sweet uses of adversity
- ঘ. Sweet do not use the adversity
উত্তরঃ Sweet are uses of adversity
6. কলমটি তার।
- ক. The pen is mine.
- খ. The pen is his.
- গ. He is the owner of the pen.
- ঘ. He belongs to the pen.
উত্তরঃ The pen is his.
- ক. Modesty are embelishment of greatness.
- খ. Modesty id embelishment on greatness.
- গ. Modesty is embelishment to greatness.
- ঘ. Modesty is embelishment of greatness.
উত্তরঃ Modesty is embelishment of greatness.
- ক. The water is simmering in the kettle.
- খ. The water is boiling in the kettle.
- গ. The water is rising high in the kettle.
- ঘ. The kettle is over flowing.
উত্তরঃ The water is simmering in the kettle.
- ক. The train is going to Dhaka.
- খ. The train is bound for Dhaka.
- গ. The train is leaving for Dhaka.
- ঘ. The train will go to Dhaka.
উত্তরঃ The train is bound for Dhaka.
10. হায় ! তার মা আজ জীবিত নেই।
- ক. Alas ! His mother is no more today
- খ. Ah ! His mother is dead
- গ. Alas ! His nother had died
- ঘ. Alas! His mother had lost her life
উত্তরঃ Alas ! His mother is no more today
11. মেয়েটি চা অপেক্ষা দুধ বেশি পছন্দ করে।
- ক. The girl likes more than tea
- খ. The girl prefers milk to tea
- গ. The girl prefers milk than tea
- ঘ. The girl prefers tea to milk
উত্তরঃ The girl prefers milk to tea
12. সকাল থেকে মুষলধারে বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে।
- ক. It has been raining cats and dogs from morning
- খ. It has been raining cats and dogs since morning
- গ. It is raining cats and dogs since morning
- ঘ. Rain has started cats and dogs from morning
উত্তরঃ It has been raining cats and dogs since morning
13. আমার মানিকগঞ্জ যাবার কথা ছিল।
- ক. I was to go to Manikganj
- খ. I am to go to Manikganj
- গ. I have to go to Manikganj
- ঘ. I need to go to Manikganj
উত্তরঃ I was to go to Manikganj
- ক. I heard him to read
- খ. I heard him reading
- গ. I have heard him reading
- ঘ. I saw him reading
উত্তরঃ I heard him reading
- ক. I shall eat you
- খ. I shall feed you
- গ. I shall be eating you
- ঘ. I shll give you a party
উত্তরঃ I shall feed you
16. সে আমার আপন ভাই।
- ক. He is my brother
- খ. He is my step brother
- গ. He is my elder brother
- ঘ. He is my own brother
উত্তরঃ He is my brother
- ক. I have no pen to write
- খ. I have no writting pen
- গ. I have no pen to write with
- ঘ. I have no pen to writting
উত্তরঃ I have no pen to write with
18. তিনি কদাচিত মিথ্যা কথা বলেন।
- ক. He sometimes tells a lie
- খ. He never tells a lie
- গ. He seldom tells a lie
- ঘ. He sometime tell a lie
উত্তরঃ He seldom tells a lie
- ক. To err is human
- খ. To err is a human
- গ. To err is humans
- ঘ. To err are human
উত্তরঃ To err is human
20. নাই মামার চেয়ে কানা মামা ভাল।
- ক. Something is gooder than mothing
- খ. Some uncles are better than no uncle
- গ. Somethings are better than nothing
- ঘ. Something is better than nothing
উত্তরঃ Something is better than nothing
- ক. The man is to die
- খ. The man is about to die
- গ. The man is died
- ঘ. The man has died
উত্তরঃ The man is about to die
22. আমি তাকে দিয়ে কাজটি করালাম।
- ক. I made him to do the work
- খ. I got him do the work
- গ. I made3 done the work by him
- ঘ. I have done him the work
উত্তরঃ I made him to do the work
23. 'He lives from hand to mouth' এর সঠিক অনুবাদ কোনটি?
- ক. সে রোজগারের ওপর খায়
- খ. সে কষ্ট করে খায়
- গ. সে হাতে রোজগার করে, মুখে খায়
- ঘ. সে দিন আনে দিন খায়
উত্তরঃ সে দিন আনে দিন খায়
24. জ্ঞানীরা বেশি কথা বলেন না।
- ক. The wises do not talk much.
- খ. The wise does not talk much.
- গ. The wise do not talk much.
- ঘ. The wise men does not talk much.
উত্তরঃ The wise do not talk much.
- ক. Stand , I come now
- খ. Wait, I am coming now
- গ. Keep standing, I am coming now
- ঘ. Stand here, I am coming
উত্তরঃ Wait, I am coming now