Sentence Transformations

26. Select the correct sentence.

  • ক. The man was tall who stole my bag
  • খ. The man who stole my bag was tall
  • গ. The man who stole my bag was tall
  • ঘ. The man was tll who is stealing tall my bag

উত্তরঃ The man who stole my bag was tall


27. The Arabian Nights - still a great favourite.

  • ক. has
  • খ. are
  • গ. is
  • ঘ. were

উত্তরঃ is


28. Select the right woud.He ran fast lest he - miss the train.

  • ক. can
  • খ. should
  • গ. could
  • ঘ. has

উত্তরঃ should


29. She told me his name after he-

  • ক. left
  • খ. had left
  • গ. has left
  • ঘ. has been leaving

উত্তরঃ had left


30. We must look pleased or else he'll he-

  • ক. dissatisfied
  • খ. cross
  • গ. happy
  • ঘ. delighted

উত্তরঃ dissatisfied


31. The expression 'after ons's own heart' means-

  • ক. To be in low spirit
  • খ. with complete devotion
  • গ. To ons's own liking
  • ঘ. to be in high spirit

উত্তরঃ To ons's own liking


32. Which of the following sentence is the correct one?

  • ক. My father was in hospital during six weeks in summer
  • খ. In summer during six weeks my father was in summer
  • গ. My father was in a hospital during six weeks in summer
  • ঘ. My father was in hospital for six weeks during the summer

উত্তরঃ My father was in hospital for six weeks during the summer


33. What are you so angry-?

  • ক. about
  • খ. at
  • গ. with
  • ঘ. for

উত্তরঃ about


34. 'I remember the holiday I spent in your home, ' she said.

  • ক. ever
  • খ. hardly
  • গ. usually
  • ঘ. always

উত্তরঃ always


35. He knew it was a very - operation, byt he was deternined to carry it out.

  • ক. difficult
  • খ. dangerous
  • গ. risky
  • ঘ. troublesome

উত্তরঃ risky


36. Shaheen would never have taken the job if - what great demand it would make on his time.

  • ক. he knew
  • খ. He had been knowing
  • গ. he had known
  • ঘ. he was knowing

উত্তরঃ he had known


37. Just now he- his dinner but he says he'll see you when he's finished.

  • ক. is having
  • খ. has had
  • গ. was having
  • ঘ. had

উত্তরঃ has had


38. He gave up - football when he got married.

  • ক. to play
  • খ. playing
  • গ. play
  • ঘ. of playing

উত্তরঃ playing


39. As the sun - , I decided to go out.

  • ক. shines
  • খ. has shone
  • গ. shine
  • ঘ. was shining

উত্তরঃ was shining


40. Don't make a noise while your father -

  • ক. is being asleep
  • খ. is sleeping
  • গ. shine
  • ঘ. has slept

উত্তরঃ is sleeping


41. I opened the door as soon as I - the bell.

  • ক. have heard
  • খ. was hearing
  • গ. am heard
  • ঘ. heard

উত্তরঃ heard


42. Water bolis - you heat it to 100 degree centrigrade.

  • ক. unless
  • খ. until
  • গ. if
  • ঘ. although

উত্তরঃ if


43. I have read the book - you lent me.

  • ক. that
  • খ. whom
  • গ. whose
  • ঘ. what

উত্তরঃ that


44. I don't mind - with the cooking but I am not going to wash the dishes.

  • ক. to help
  • খ. help
  • গ. helping
  • ঘ. for helping

উত্তরঃ helping


45. My uncle arrived while I - the dinner.

  • ক. would cook
  • খ. had cooked
  • গ. cook
  • ঘ. was cooking

উত্তরঃ was cooking


46. The team is - eleven players.

  • ক. made of
  • খ. made up of
  • গ. made up
  • ঘ. made

উত্তরঃ made up of


47. At leasr one of the students - full marks every time.

  • ক. get
  • খ. are getting
  • গ. gets
  • ঘ. have got

উত্তরঃ gets


48. I don't think you will have any difficulty - a driving license.

  • ক. to get
  • খ. in getting
  • গ. for getting
  • ঘ. get

উত্তরঃ in getting


49. She is beautiful but she is - her mother.

  • ক. most beautiful
  • খ. less beautiful
  • গ. as beautiful
  • ঘ. not so beautiful as

উত্তরঃ not so beautiful as


50. Complete the following sentence: If I had known you were coming-

  • ক. I would go to the station
  • খ. I had gone to the station
  • গ. I would have gone to the station
  • ঘ. I would be going to the station

উত্তরঃ I would have gone to the station


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