Sentence Transformations
101. The - of the camel was found lying by the side of the canal.
- ক. Carcass
- খ. Corps
- গ. Corpees
- ঘ. Corpse
উত্তরঃ Carcass
102. Choose the right verb: Ranindranath's stories often - surprise ending.
- ক. had
- খ. have
- গ. has
- ঘ. have had
উত্তরঃ have
103. In order to access the world wide web you need -
- ক. An Internet connection, an Internet service provider & Browser
- খ. Internet Explorer
- গ. Modem & Browser
- ঘ. Nothing
উত্তরঃ An Internet connection, an Internet service provider & Browser
104. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Here 'rolling' is?
- ক. Participle
- খ. Adjective
- গ. Gerund
- ঘ. Varbal Noun
উত্তরঃ Participle
105. I saw him going to market. (Compound)
- ক. I saw him and he was going to market
- খ. I saw him who was going to market
- গ. I saw him to go to market
- ঘ. I go to market which he was
উত্তরঃ I saw him and he was going to market
106. Jerry was only four years old. (Negative)
- ক. Jerry was not four years old
- খ. Jerry was not more than four years old
- গ. No one but Jerry was four years old
- ঘ. None but Jerry was four years old
উত্তরঃ Jerry was not more than four years old
107. Orthita as well as Obhinibesh (to be) -attending is party.
- ক. are
- খ. is
- গ. have been
- ঘ. been
উত্তরঃ is
108. Alice went to market with a view to (to purchase) - a dress.
- ক. purchase
- খ. purchased
- গ. purchases
- ঘ. purchasing
উত্তরঃ purchasing
109. Money is sweeter than honey/ (Negative)
- ক. Honey is not so sweet as money.
- খ. Maney is not as sweet as honey
- গ. Nothing is as sweet as money and honey.
- ঘ. Honey is not sweeter than money.
উত্তরঃ Honey is not so sweet as money.
110. He gave me a dress which was expensive. (Simple)
- ক. He gave me a dress expensive.
- খ. He gave me a dress and it was expensive
- গ. He gave me a expensive dress.
- ঘ. He gave me an expensive dress.
উত্তরঃ He gave me an expensive dress.
111. The boy from the village said, 'I - starve than beg.'
- ক. better
- খ. rather
- গ. would rather
- ঘ. would better
উত্তরঃ would rather
- ক. to see
- খ. meeting
- গ. to hearing from
- ঘ. to come
উত্তরঃ to hearing from
115. As the sun -, I decided to go out.
- ক. shines
- খ. has shone
- গ. shine
- ঘ. was shining
উত্তরঃ was shining
116. I asked him -.
- ক. What is his name
- খ. What was his name.
- গ. What his name is
- ঘ. What his name was
উত্তরঃ What his name was
117. -, he would have succeeded.
- ক. If he were sincere
- খ. If he had study
- গ. If he studied regularly
- ঘ. Had he studied regularly
উত্তরঃ Had he studied regularly
120. Opening the file, the detective took out a newspaper cutting. He 'opening' is a/an.
- ক. Gerund
- খ. Noun
- গ. Present participle
- ঘ. Adjective
উত্তরঃ Present participle
121. - surprised me.
- ক. What you said
- খ. If you say so
- গ. Because of saying so
- ঘ. What did you say
উত্তরঃ What you said
122. My wife reminds me -
- ক. of my appintment
- খ. to my appointments
- গ. my appointments
- ঘ. about my appointments
উত্তরঃ of my appintment
125. English is badly required for global communication - It is needed - pursuing higher studies. n
- ক. Also, for
- খ. Moreover
- গ. However, in
- ঘ. On top of that, from
উত্তরঃ Also, for