১১ তম শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন পরীক্ষা স্কুলসমপর্যায়
- ক. Stand , I come now
- খ. Wait, I am coming now
- গ. Keep standing, I am coming now
- ঘ. Stand here, I am coming
- ক. He has been ill since a week.
- খ. He has been ill till a weak
- গ. He has been ill for a weak.
- ঘ. He has been il during a week.
78. এটা যেন বিনা মেঘে বজ্রপাত।
- ক. It is as if a thunder from the clouds.
- খ. It is a bolt from the blue.
- গ. It is a strong thundr
- ঘ. It is bolts from the blues.
79. He and I - well.
- ক. could
- খ. could have
- গ. are
- ঘ. would have
80. If we practised speaking English, we - speak better.
- ক. could
- খ. could have
- গ. can
- ঘ. would have
- ক. asset
- খ. wealth
- গ. valuable
- ঘ. precious
83. Did he see anyone in the room. (assertive)
- ক. He saw no one in the room.
- খ. He did not see someone in the room
- গ. He saw anyone in the room
- ঘ. He saw someone in the room
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