সকল সরকারী/বেসরকারী পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন পেতে ক্লিক করুন গণিতের আইকিউ টেস্ট করতে ক্লিক করুন
A father said to his son, "I was as old as you at the present at the time of your birth". If the father's age is 38 years now, the son's age five year's back was:
A father said to his son, "I was as old as you at the present at the time of your birth". If the father's age is 38 years now, the son's age five year's back was:
- ক. 14
- খ. 19
- গ. 33
- ঘ. 38
সঠিক উত্তরঃ 14
এ সম্পর্কিত আরো প্রশ্ন দেখুন
- Which of the following is equal to 456*(72) + 28*(456)?
- A company's profits have doubled for each of the last 5 years. If the total profits for the last 5 years were 62 million, what were the profits in the first year?
- Lamp A is less bright than Lamp B; Lamp B is brighter than Lamp C; Lamp C is as bright as Lamp D. Lamp B is brighter than Lamp D and Lamp D is brighter than Lamp A. Which lamp is the brightest?
- Mushfique is as tall as Mominul; Shakib is shorter than Tamim; Tamim is taller than Mominul and Mushfique is shorter than Shakib. Who is the shortest?
- If x and y are consecutive positive integers, which of the following must be an even integer?

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