৪০ তম বিসিএস
- ক. যাদের দেখেছি
- খ. পথে প্রবাসে
- গ. কাল নিরবধি
- ঘ. ভবিষ্যতের বাঙালী
27. ’আগুন পাখি’- উপন্যাসটির রচয়িতা কে?
- ক. রাহাত খান
- খ. হাসান আজিজুল হক
- গ. সেলিনা হোসেন
- ঘ. ইমদাদুল হক
28. বিদ্রোহী কবিতাটি কোন সনে প্রথম প্রকাশিত হয়?
- ক. ১৯২৩ সন
- খ. ১৯২১ সন
- গ. ১৯১৯ সন
- ঘ. ১৯১৮ সন
29. একুশে ফেব্রুয়ারি গানটির সুরকার কে?
- ক. সুবীর সাহা
- খ. সুধীন দাস
- গ. আলতাফ মাহমুদ
- ঘ. আলতাফ মামুন
30. 'Please write to me at above address.' The word 'above' in this sentence is a/an -
- ক. noun
- খ. adjective
- গ. pronoun
- ঘ. adverb
31. In which sentence is the word 'past' used as a preposition?
- ক. Writting letters is a thing of the past.
- খ. I look back on the past without regeret.
- গ. I caried out him as he ran past.
- ঘ. Tania was a wonderful singer, but she's past her prime.
32. The word 'sibling' means -
- ক. a brother
- খ. a sister
- গ. a brother or sister
- ঘ. an infant
33. Fill in the blank: As she was talking, he suddenly broke - , saying. 'That's a lie !'
- ক. off
- খ. in
- গ. down
- ঘ. into
34. Fill in the blank: You may go for a walk if you feel - it.
- ক. about
- খ. on
- গ. like
- ঘ. for
35. Identity the word which is spelt incorrectly :
- ক. consciencious
- খ. perseverance
- গ. concalescence
- ঘ. maintenance
36. 'You look terrific in that dress !' The word 'terrific' in the above sentence means -
- ক. excellent
- খ. funny
- গ. very ugly
- ঘ. horrible
37. Someone who is capricious is -
- ক. easily irritated
- খ. wise and willing to cooperate
- গ. exceedingly conceited and arrogant
- ঘ. known for sudden changes in attitude or behaviour
38. Which one of the following words is masculine?
- ক. mare
- খ. lad
- গ. pillow
- ঘ. pony
39. A man whose wife had died is called a -
- ক. widow
- খ. widower
- গ. spinster
- ঘ. bachelor
40. Which word is similar to 'appal' ?
- ক. deceive
- খ. confuse
- গ. dismay
- ঘ. solicit
41. Which word means the opposite of 'dearth'?
- ক. lack
- খ. abundance
- গ. poverty
- ঘ. shortage
42. Identify the word which remains the same in its plural form :
- ক. aircraft
- খ. intension
- গ. mouse
- ঘ. thesis
43. Identify the determiner in the following sentence : 'I have no news for you.'
- ক. have
- খ. news
- গ. no
- ঘ. for
44. The saying 'enough is enough' is used when you want -
- ক. something to continue
- খ. something to stop
- গ. something to continue until it's enough
- ঘ. to tell instructions are clear
45. 'He ran with great speed'. The underlined part of the sentence is a -
- ক. noun
- খ. adveral phrase
- গ. adjective phrase
- ঘ. participle phrase
46. 'We must not be late, else we will miss the train.' Thais is a -
- ক. compound sentence
- খ. complex sentence
- গ. simple sentence
- ঘ. interrogative sentence
47. Change the voice : 'Who is calling me?'
- ক. By whom am I called?
- খ. By whom I am called?
- গ. By whom am I being called?
- ঘ. Whom am I called by?
48. An extra message added at the end of a letter after it is signed is called -
- ক. corrigendum
- খ. postscript
- গ. NB
- ঘ. RSVP
49. 'The Rape of the Lock' by Alexander Pope is a/an -
- ক. epic
- খ. balled
- গ. mock-heroic poem
- ঘ. elegy
50. Which of the follwing is not an American poet?
- ক. Robert Frost
- খ. W. B. Yeats
- গ. Emily Dickinson
- ঘ. Langston Hughes