English Literature

426. 'Blank verse' is a kind of verse---

  • ক. having no rhyming end
  • খ. having blanks in the verse
  • গ. having no significance
  • ঘ. having no rhythmic flow

উত্তরঃ having no rhyming end


427. One of the following authors, one is French. Who is he ?

  • ক. Sir Asther Doyle
  • খ. W. Somerset Maugham
  • গ. Edward Fitzerald
  • ঘ. Alexander Dumas

উত্তরঃ Alexander Dumas


428. 'Blank verse' অর্থ--

  • ক. অনুপ্রাস
  • খ. অমিত্রাক্ষর
  • গ. পয়ার
  • ঘ. মহাকাব্য

উত্তরঃ অমিত্রাক্ষর


429. Who is the author of the novel "Three Musketeers'' ?

  • ক. R.L. Stevension
  • খ. W. Shakespeare
  • গ. Sir Walter Scott
  • ঘ. Alexander Dumas

উত্তরঃ Alexander Dumas


430. THe appropriate meaning of the word 'monologue' is--

  • ক. a long speach in a play spoken by one actor especially when alone
  • খ. conversation in a play
  • গ. a speach in a play in which a character, who is alone on the stage, speaks his thoughts aloud
  • ঘ. a dialogue between the two actors or actresses in a drama

উত্তরঃ a speach in a play in which a character, who is alone on the stage, speaks his thoughts aloud


431. 'Lorna Doone' is -

  • ক. a drama by Shakespeare
  • খ. a poem by Tennyson
  • গ. a novel by Blackmore
  • ঘ. an allegory by Bunyan

উত্তরঃ a novel by Blackmore


432. What is "Linguistics"?

  • ক. The study of history
  • খ. The study of literature
  • গ. The study of porse
  • ঘ. The Scientific study of language

উত্তরঃ The Scientific study of language


433. Tennyson wrote -

  • ক. The Lotos Eaters
  • খ. Dover Beach
  • গ. My Last Dutchess
  • ঘ. The Eve of St. Agnes

উত্তরঃ The Lotos Eaters


434. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' -এর লেখক কে ?

  • ক. Tennyson
  • খ. Pearl S. Buck
  • গ. Mrs. Harriet Stowe
  • ঘ. Thomas Hardy

উত্তরঃ Mrs. Harriet Stowe


435. জর্জ ইলিয়টের প্রকৃত নাম কি ছিল ?

  • ক. T.S. Eliot
  • খ. Jane Austen
  • গ. Mary Anne Evans
  • ঘ. William Hazlitt

উত্তরঃ Mary Anne Evans


436. Any one of the following pairs are literary collaborators -

  • ক. Eliot and Pound
  • খ. Yeats and Eliot
  • গ. Pope and Dryden
  • ঘ. Shelley and Keats

উত্তরঃ Eliot and Pound


437. Earnest Hemingway is a famous -

  • ক. British novelist
  • খ. Irish novelist
  • গ. American novelist
  • ঘ. Latin American novelist

উত্তরঃ American novelist


438. Who is the author of "A Farewell to Arms" ?

  • ক. T.S. Eliot
  • খ. John Milton
  • গ. Plato
  • ঘ. Earnest Hemingway

উত্তরঃ Earnest Hemingway


439. Who is the author of "For Whom the Bell Tolls" ?

  • ক. Charles Dickens
  • খ. Homer
  • গ. Lord Tennyson
  • ঘ. Earnest Hemingway

উত্তরঃ Earnest Hemingway


440. Who is the author of 'the Old man and the Sea' ?

  • ক. H. Melvile
  • খ. George
  • গ. Charles Dickens
  • ঘ. Earnest Hemingway

উত্তরঃ Earnest Hemingway


441. Who is the greatest modern English dramatist ?

  • ক. Verginia woolf
  • খ. George Bernard Shaw
  • গ. P.B. Shelley
  • ঘ. S.T. Coleridge

উত্তরঃ George Bernard Shaw


442. Who among the following is a dramatist ?

  • ক. George Bernard Shaw
  • খ. E.M. Forster
  • গ. T.S. Eliot
  • ঘ. Stephen Spender

উত্তরঃ George Bernard Shaw


443. George Bernard Shaw is -

  • ক. a playwright
  • খ. a film maker
  • গ. a historian
  • ঘ. a modern painter

উত্তরঃ a playwright


444. "Caesar and Cleopatra" is -

  • ক. a tragedy by Shakespeare
  • খ. a play by G.B. Shaw
  • গ. a poem by Lord Byron
  • ঘ. a novel by S.T. Coleridge

উত্তরঃ a play by G.B. Shaw


445. 'Man and Superman' বইটি কার লেখা ?

  • ক. উইলিয়াম শেক্সপিয়ার
  • খ. জর্জ বার্নাড' শ
  • গ. লিও টলস্টয়
  • ঘ. চার্লস ডিকেন্স

উত্তরঃ জর্জ বার্নাড' শ


446. Who is the modern philosopher who was awarded Nobel Prize for literature ?

  • ক. James Baker
  • খ. Dr. Kissinger
  • গ. Bertrand Russel
  • ঘ. Lenin

উত্তরঃ Bertrand Russel


447. The author of 'Road to Freedom' is -

  • ক. Bertrand Russel
  • খ. John Keats
  • গ. G.B. Shaw
  • ঘ. Goldsmith

উত্তরঃ Bertrand Russel


448. Bertrand Russel was British ---?

  • ক. Statement
  • খ. Polirician
  • গ. Philosopher
  • ঘ. Journalist

উত্তরঃ Philosopher


449. T.S. Eliot was born in -

  • ক. Ireland
  • খ. England
  • গ. Wales
  • ঘ. U.S.A

উত্তরঃ U.S.A


450. Who of the following was a poet ?

  • ক. Charles Dickens
  • খ. T.S. Eliot
  • গ. Jane Austen
  • ঘ. G.B. Shaw

উত্তরঃ T.S. Eliot


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