প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়ের মিলিটারি ইঞ্জিনিয়ার সার্ভিসেসের স্টোরম্যান
1. Choose the right sentence -
- ক. The light went out while we eat our supper.
- খ. The light went out while we were having our supper.
- গ. The light went out while we have our supper.
- ঘ. The light went out while we are at supper.
2. 'God face is the best letter of recommendation' was stated by :
- ক. Queen Elizabeth
- খ. Indian Gandhi
- গ. Mother Teresa
- ঘ. Robert Browing
3. Write the meaning of the phrase 'out of date'
- ক. At night
- খ. Out of fashion
- গ. Smart
- ঘ. End of the day
4. ‘বাঁচ এবং বাঁচতে দাও’ এর সঠিক Translation কোনটি?
- ক. Live and let to live.
- খ. Live and let live.
- গ. Live and give to live.
- ঘ. Live and give live.
- ক. Executive Committee of the National Economic Council.
- খ. Executive Council of the National Economic Committee.
- গ. Executive Committee on National Economic Cooperation
- ঘ. Executive Committee of National Election Commission.
6. 'Bag and baggage' idiom এর অর্থ কি?
- ক. Belongings
- খ. Heavy thing
- গ. Leaving nothing behind
- ঘ. Costly things
7. Which one is a correct sentence?
- ক. I found his pulse
- খ. I felt his pulse
- গ. I examined his pulse
- ঘ. I saw his pulse.
8. That is the plural of 'Criterion'?
- ক. Criterions
- খ. Criteria
- গ. Criteriones
- ঘ. Criterias
9. Who has written 'Long Walk to Freedom'?
- ক. Nelson Mandela
- খ. Abul Kalam Azad
- গ. George Washington
- ঘ. Rajib Gandhi
10. 'A thing of beauty is a joy for ever ' was stated by :
- ক. John Keats
- খ. Robert Herrick
- গ. Frances Bacon
- ঘ. Shelly
11. Who is known as 'The Poet of Nature' in English literature?
- ক. William Wordsworth
- খ. Napoleon
- গ. Shakespeare
- ঘ. Charls Dickens
12. I - tennis every Sunday morning.
- ক. playing
- খ. play
- গ. am played
- ঘ. am play
- ক. Despite
- খ. In spite
- গ. Under
- ঘ. Avoiding
15. Antonym of the word 'Concord' is :
- ক. Conflict
- খ. Saintly
- গ. Thrifty
- ঘ. Harmory
- ক. you did
- খ. did you do
- গ. had you done
- ঘ. did you
17. Octopuses have not only large size - also well developed nervous system
- ক. but
- খ. and
- গ. are
- ঘ. and have
18. 'None can do this' এর interrogative form কি হবে?
- ক. Can none do this?
- খ. Can anyone do this?
- গ. Who cannot do this?
- ঘ. Who can do this?
19. 'Man is mortal' এর সঠিক Negative sentence কোনটি?
- ক. Man is not mortal.
- খ. Man is immortal.
- গ. No man is mortal.
- ঘ. No man is immortal.
20. ’বিপদ কখনও একা আসে না’ বাক্যটির ইংরেজি রূপ কোনটি?
- ক. Misfortunes never alone comes.
- খ. Misfortunes comes never alone.
- গ. Misfortunes never alone come.
- ঘ. Misfortunes never come alone.
21. ‘আলস্য’ কোন প্রকারের বিশেষণ?
- ক. জাতিবাচক
- খ. গুণবাচক
- গ. সমষ্টিবাচক
- ঘ. নেতিবাচক
22. ‘হৃদয়ে বাংলাদেশ’ গ্রন্থের রচয়িতা কে?
- ক. পান্না কায়সার
- খ. সেলিনা হোসেন
- গ. আলাউদ্দিন আল আজাদ
- ঘ. সালমা হোসেন
24. ‘রানার ‘ কবিতাটির রচয়িতা কে?
- ক. কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম
- খ. যতীন্দ্রমোহন বাগচী
- গ. সুকান্ত ভট্টাচার্য
- ঘ. বন্দে আলী মিয়া
- ক. যুক্তপথ
- খ. একই সময়ে
- গ. এক যুগের পর
- ঘ. কোনোটিই নয়