- ক. circumstantial
- খ. ceremonial
- গ. supportive
- ঘ. genuine
উত্তরঃ genuine
927. The antonym of the word 'Indigenous' is -
- ক. Alien
- খ. International
- গ. Remote
- ঘ. Domestic
উত্তরঃ Alien
928. Meaning of 'Conjecture' is related to -
- ক. Continuity
- খ. Conjunction
- গ. Guidance
- ঘ. Guess
উত্তরঃ Guess
929. Choose the correct meaning of the word 'Viable' ?
- ক. possible
- খ. that can be done
- গ. capable
- ঘ. that will work
উত্তরঃ that can be done
930. Choose the word that is the opposite of 'relaxed' ?
- ক. tense
- খ. easy going
- গ. happy
- ঘ. contented
উত্তরঃ tense
931. An antonym of 'impersonal' is -
- ক. friendly
- খ. large
- গ. spread out
- ঘ. unfriendly
উত্তরঃ friendly
932. Which phrase contains words opposed to each other in meaning ?
- ক. deatf & dishonour
- খ. beauti & youth
- গ. conflict & resolution
- ঘ. chastity & purity
উত্তরঃ conflict & resolution
933. Choose the word that means the opposite of 'reluctantly' ?
- ক. un willingly
- খ. not willing
- গ. eagerly
- ঘ. not eagerly
উত্তরঃ eagerly
934. Choose the word closest in meaning to 'anxiously' -
- ক. Worriedly
- খ. Unhappily
- গ. Slowly
- ঘ. Hasitamtly
উত্তরঃ Worriedly
- ক. fearful
- খ. pessimistic
- গ. debating
- ঘ. uncertain
উত্তরঃ uncertain
- ক. sturdy
- খ. fall
- গ. great
- ঘ. fat
উত্তরঃ sturdy
- ক. uncertain
- খ. unhappy
- গ. reluctant
- ঘ. lazy
উত্তরঃ reluctant
939. The correct synonym for 'insipid' is -
- ক. tasteless
- খ. sour
- গ. trite
- ঘ. inspired
উত্তরঃ tasteless
940. Perfunctory শব্দটির সঠিক প্রতিশব্দ কোনটি ?
- ক. Thorough
- খ. Lively
- গ. Impossible
- ঘ. Listless
উত্তরঃ Listless
941. 'Clandestine' শব্দটির বিপরীত অর্থবোধক শব্দ কোনটি ?
- ক. Overt
- খ. Coverted
- গ. Covert
- ঘ. Intractable
উত্তরঃ Overt
943. 'Antithesis' is the antonym of -
- ক. velocity
- খ. maxim
- গ. similarity
- ঘ. reaction
উত্তরঃ similarity
944. 'Enunciate' is most nearly similar in meaning to -
- ক. pray
- খ. request
- গ. deliver
- ঘ. mumble
উত্তরঃ mumble
947. What is the synonym of the word 'sticky' ?
- ক. Adhesive
- খ. Glutinous
- গ. Irony
- ঘ. Silky
উত্তরঃ Adhesive
949. Scanty' এর বিপরিতার্থক শব্দ কোনটি ?
- ক. Limited
- খ. Unlimited
- গ. Inflation
- ঘ. Bounded
উত্তরঃ Unlimited