51. 'Amplitude' শব্দের বাংলা পরিভাষা নিম্নের কোনটি ?
- ক. বিস্তৃত
- খ. বিস্তার
- গ. প্রসারিত
- ঘ.
উত্তরঃ বিস্তার
52. 'Civil Society'- এর পরিভাষা নিচের কোনটি ?
- ক. সভ্য সমাজ
- খ. সুশীল সমাজ
- গ. বেসামরিক সমাজ
- ঘ. কোনটিই নয়
উত্তরঃ সুশীল সমাজ
57. 'Riding for a fall' means-
- ক. Horse race
- খ. Pleasure Trip
- গ. Riding fast
- ঘ. To act recklessly
উত্তরঃ To act recklessly
58. 'The word 'Sanction' means -
- ক. Verify
- খ. Plan
- গ. Prohibit
- ঘ. Authorization
উত্তরঃ Authorization
- ক. Compassionate
- খ. Compromifull
- গ. Honoraarrium
- ঘ. Disgraceful
উত্তরঃ Compassionate
63. 'CANDID' is most nearly similar in meaning to -
- ক. Vague
- খ. Outspoken
- গ. Experienced
- ঘ. Anxious
উত্তরঃ Outspoken
65. 'Flora' means-
- ক. Elaborate decoration with flowers
- খ. All the flowers of an area
- গ. A garland of flowers
- ঘ. All the plants of an area
উত্তরঃ All the plants of an area
66. 'Corpus' means-
- ক. A dead body
- খ. A collection of written texts
- গ. Read or white cells in blood
- ঘ. One of the technical branches of an army
উত্তরঃ A collection of written texts
- ক. Bottom of an aircraft
- খ. Front of an aircraft
- গ. Safety doors of an aircraft
- ঘ. An enclosed area of an aircraft where the pilot sits and steers the plane
উত্তরঃ An enclosed area of an aircraft where the pilot sits and steers the plane
68. 'Millennium' is a period of --
- ক. 100 years
- খ. 500 years
- গ. 1000 years
- ঘ. 2500 years
উত্তরঃ 1000 years
- ক. Uneducated
- খ. Illiterate
- গ. Unschooled
- ঘ. Ignorant
উত্তরঃ Illiterate
70. The word 'Omniscient' means---
- ক. One who knows everything
- খ. One who has total power
- গ. One who is present everywhere
- ঘ. One who eats all types of food
উত্তরঃ One who knows everything
71. The word 'Rendezvous' means-
- ক. An appointed meeting place for troops
- খ. An appointed meeting place for teachers
- গ. An appointed meeting place for political leaders
- ঘ. An appointed meeting place for students
উত্তরঃ An appointed meeting place for troops
72. A myth is -
- ক. An adventurous story
- খ. A detective story
- গ. A mysterious story
- ঘ. A legend
উত্তরঃ A legend
73. 'Hamlet' means-
- ক. A small village
- খ. A small town
- গ. A big city
- ঘ. A big village
উত্তরঃ A small village
74. The word 'Somnambulist means-
- ক. A sleep-worker
- খ. A day dremer
- গ. A night dreamer
- ঘ. An optimist
উত্তরঃ A sleep-worker
- ক. A school master
- খ. Demagogue
- গ. Insane
- ঘ. Droll
উত্তরঃ A school master