English Grammar
328. What is the past participle form of 'Split'?
- ক. spoilt
- খ. Spoiled
- গ. split
- ঘ. splitted
উত্তরঃ split
329. - as fast as the could, she managed to arrive on time.
- ক. being driver
- খ. driver
- গ. having driving
- ঘ. driving
উত্তরঃ driving
331. Put a correct word in the gap: Man is the - of his own fate.
- ক. architecture
- খ. architectural
- গ. architect
- ঘ. archer
উত্তরঃ architect
334. The greater the demand - the price.
- ক. the higher
- খ. higher
- গ. the high
- ঘ. high
উত্তরঃ the higher
335. 'He is poor but honest' - In this sentence which is conjunction?
- ক. poor
- খ. honest
- গ. but
- ঘ. he
উত্তরঃ but
336. ‘অসমাপ্ত আত্মজীবনী’ গ্রন্থের লেখক -
- ক. সৈয়দ নজরুল ইসলাম
- খ. বিচারপতি আবু সাঈদ চৌধুরী
- গ. বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান
- ঘ. তাজউদ্দীন আহমদ
উত্তরঃ বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান
338. Complete the following sentence: 'Had I knwon you were waiting outside, I -
- ক. had invited you to come in
- খ. would invite you to come in
- গ. would be inviting you to come in
- ঘ. would have invited you to come in
উত্তরঃ would have invited you to come in
339. Cricket is a kind of play. It is also a kind of -
- ক. insect
- খ. food
- গ. bird
- ঘ. flower
উত্তরঃ insect
340. When we want to mean a government by the richest class we use the term -
- ক. Oligarchy
- খ. Plutocracy
- গ. Cryptocracy
- ঘ. Aristocracy
উত্তরঃ Plutocracy
341. Which of the following words has been formed with a prefix?
- ক. amoral
- খ. authentic
- গ. amnesia
- ঘ. aspersions
উত্তরঃ amoral
342. নিচের উপমাটি পূর্ণকারী শব্দ কোনটি? Finger : Hand :: Leaf :
- ক. Flower
- খ. Twing
- গ. Tree
- ঘ. Branch
উত্তরঃ Twing
343. An extra message added at the end of a letter after it is signed is called -
- ক. corrigendum
- খ. postscript
- গ. NB
- ঘ. RSVP
উত্তরঃ postscript
344. He made his children - their homework becomes every afternoon.
- ক. do
- খ. to do
- গ. to study
- ঘ. minded
উত্তরঃ do
345. The phrase 'Down - to earth' means
- ক. close to nature
- খ. soft hearted
- গ. Thrown to the ground
- ঘ. Realistic
উত্তরঃ Realistic
346. Choose the pair which is out of place
- ক. Ambiguity / Clarity
- খ. Humane/Kind
- গ. Worsen / Improve
- ঘ. Colossal / Tiny
উত্তরঃ Humane/Kind
349. After the hurricane, uprooted trees - all over the ground.
- ক. were laying
- খ. laid
- গ. were lying
- ঘ. were laid
উত্তরঃ were lying