
551. An intensive search was conducted by the detectives to locate those criminals who ---

  • ক. have had escaped
  • খ. had escaped
  • গ. are escaping
  • ঘ. have been escaping

উত্তরঃ had escaped


552. I stretched for tissue but the box of tissues --- nearly empty.

  • ক. was
  • খ. were
  • গ. has
  • ঘ. have

উত্তরঃ was


553. Choose the right form of verb: I have the (little) money ?

  • ক. slightest
  • খ. little
  • গ. least
  • ঘ. less

উত্তরঃ least


554. I have no objection to ---- your story again.

  • ক. hear
  • খ. have hear
  • গ. hearing
  • ঘ. be heard

উত্তরঃ hearing


555. ----- the letter tonight,she will post it tomorrow.

  • ক. To finish
  • খ. Finishing
  • গ. Finish
  • ঘ. Finished

উত্তরঃ Finishing


556. English is --- in many countries.

  • ক. spoken
  • খ. spoke
  • গ. speaking
  • ঘ. speaks

উত্তরঃ spoken


557. The man --- in the accident was taken to hospital ?

  • ক. injured
  • খ. has injured
  • গ. being injured
  • ঘ. who injured

উত্তরঃ who injured


558. Complete the sentence with appropriate words: The Tajmahal as said --- built by Shshjahan.

  • ক. to have begun
  • খ. to had been
  • গ. to have been
  • ঘ. to have become

উত্তরঃ to have been


559. The boy form the village said,'I --- starve than beg; Which of the following best completes the above sentence ?

  • ক. better
  • খ. rather
  • গ. would rather
  • ঘ. would better

উত্তরঃ would rather


560. Put the verb in the correct form --

  • ক. are covered
  • খ. is covered
  • গ. had covered
  • ঘ. have covered

উত্তরঃ is covered


561. People ----- a lot of mangoes now because they are cheap now.

  • ক. must buy
  • খ. must be buying
  • গ. must have bought
  • ঘ. must buying

উত্তরঃ must buy


563. As a sinner I must go ----- the whole trial ---- suffering.

  • ক. through , of
  • খ. on , of
  • গ. by , in
  • ঘ. with , at

উত্তরঃ through , of


570. He has been ill --- Friday last.

  • ক. from
  • খ. on
  • গ. in
  • ঘ. since

উত্তরঃ on


572. Wordsworth introduced the readers --- a new kind of poetry.

  • ক. with
  • খ. at
  • গ. to
  • ঘ. by

উত্তরঃ to


573. I still adhere ----- my BCS preposition.

  • ক. to
  • খ. with
  • গ. in
  • ঘ. for

উত্তরঃ to


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