
626. Fill in the gap with proper word: This pen is inferior ---- your pen.

  • ক. than
  • খ. that
  • গ. from
  • ঘ. to

উত্তরঃ to


627. He is named -- his father.

  • ক. to
  • খ. of
  • গ. with
  • ঘ. after

উত্তরঃ after


628. The boy takes --- his grandfather.

  • ক. to
  • খ. with
  • গ. up
  • ঘ. after

উত্তরঃ after


629. Please ---- the necessity of arriving early.

  • ক. emphasise about
  • খ. emphasise to
  • গ. emphasise of
  • ঘ. emphasise

উত্তরঃ emphasise


630. I don't think you will have any difficulty --- a driving license.

  • ক. to get
  • খ. in getting
  • গ. for getting
  • ঘ. get

উত্তরঃ in getting


631. The ministers arrived --- a decision last night.

  • ক. to
  • খ. at
  • গ. on
  • ঘ. by

উত্তরঃ at


632. The government gave --- the demands of the people.

  • ক. in to
  • খ. in
  • গ. to
  • ঘ. over to

উত্তরঃ in to


633. Honesty is indispensible ---- success.

  • ক. at
  • খ. for
  • গ. to
  • ঘ. on

উত্তরঃ to


635. She argued --- me about the marriage.

  • ক. with
  • খ. for
  • গ. to
  • ঘ. from

উত্তরঃ with


636. ----- discovery of insulin, it was not possible to treat diabetes.

  • ক. Prior
  • খ. To prior
  • গ. Prior to the
  • ঘ. The prior

উত্তরঃ Prior to the


637. "What is the time ---- your watch"?

  • ক. in
  • খ. to
  • গ. by
  • ঘ. of

উত্তরঃ by


638. I count --- your help.

  • ক. after
  • খ. upon
  • গ. for
  • ঘ. with

উত্তরঃ upon


639. He will compensate you ---- the loss.

  • ক. of
  • খ. to
  • গ. for
  • ঘ. with

উত্তরঃ for


641. Government has been entrusted ---- elected politicians.

  • ক. with
  • খ. for
  • গ. to
  • ঘ. at

উত্তরঃ to


642. We are proud --- Laureate Prof. Dr. Muhammad yumus.

  • ক. to our Nobel
  • খ. in our Nobel
  • গ. in our Nobel
  • ঘ. of our Nobel

উত্তরঃ of our Nobel


643. He has paid the penalty --- his crimes --- five years in prison.

  • ক. for , with
  • খ. at ,by
  • গ. about , at
  • ঘ. after , in

উত্তরঃ for , with


644. Our school is ---- the main road.

  • ক. on
  • খ. in
  • গ. to
  • ঘ. by

উত্তরঃ on


645. He fantasized ---- winning the lottery.

  • ক. with
  • খ. from
  • গ. after
  • ঘ. about

উত্তরঃ about


646. The intellectual can no longer be said to live --- the margins of society.

  • ক. against
  • খ. beyond
  • গ. inside
  • ঘ. before

উত্তরঃ beyond


647. The charge of murder was brought ---- him.

  • ক. against
  • খ. for
  • গ. about
  • ঘ. with

উত্তরঃ against


648. Almost everyone fails --- on the first try.

  • ক. in passing his drivers test
  • খ. to have passed his drivers test
  • গ. to his drivers test
  • ঘ. passing his drivers test

উত্তরঃ in passing his drivers test


649. He did it ----- his own accord.

  • ক. of
  • খ. at
  • গ. by
  • ঘ. on

উত্তরঃ of


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