
651. Are you doing anything special --- the weekend ?

  • ক. in
  • খ. for
  • গ. on
  • ঘ. at

উত্তরঃ at


652. He won a victory --- his rivals.

  • ক. over
  • খ. against
  • গ. from
  • ঘ. off

উত্তরঃ over


653. Trying unitedly we were able to have our project approved against strong opppsitions. Which of the following says nearly the same as against above ?

  • ক. In the wake of
  • খ. In the guise of
  • গ. In the plea of
  • ঘ. In the teeth of

উত্তরঃ In the teeth of


654. I am inclined --- stick--- it.

  • ক. to / to
  • খ. to / for
  • গ. for / against
  • ঘ. at / to

উত্তরঃ to / to


655. His house is adjacent ---- mine.

  • ক. with
  • খ. to
  • গ. against
  • ঘ. beside

উত্তরঃ to


656. Frustation results --- violence.

  • ক. at
  • খ. in
  • গ. of
  • ঘ. with

উত্তরঃ in


657. The walls of our house have been painted ---- green.

  • ক. No preposition
  • খ. By
  • গ. In
  • ঘ. With

উত্তরঃ No preposition


658. I prefer tea --- coffee.

  • ক. for
  • খ. than
  • গ. from
  • ঘ. to

উত্তরঃ to


659. Now a days many villages are lit ---- Electricity.

  • ক. with
  • খ. by
  • গ. from
  • ঘ. on

উত্তরঃ by


661. We recently entered --- an agreement with the inland co-operative society.

  • ক. No preposition
  • খ. Upon
  • গ. In
  • ঘ. Into

উত্তরঃ Into


662. She has great fondness ---- classical music.

  • ক. of
  • খ. for
  • গ. in
  • ঘ. with

উত্তরঃ for


664. "He has assured me ---- safety."

  • ক. with
  • খ. at
  • গ. for
  • ঘ. of

উত্তরঃ of


665. Milk is preferable --- coffee.

  • ক. from
  • খ. to
  • গ. in
  • ঘ. with

উত্তরঃ to


667. Fill in the blank with appropriate word. Abstain --- smoking.

  • ক. of
  • খ. for
  • গ. about
  • ঘ. from

উত্তরঃ from


668. Which one is correct ?

  • ক. Dhaka is on the Buriganga
  • খ. Dhaka is on Buriganga
  • গ. The Dhaka is on the Buriganga
  • ঘ. Dhaka is on a Buriganga

উত্তরঃ Dhaka is on the Buriganga


672. Socrates was accused ---- misleading the young section in Athens.

  • ক. to
  • খ. of
  • গ. for
  • ঘ. on

উত্তরঃ of


675. Father put --- some amount of money for the education of his daughter.

  • ক. up
  • খ. aside
  • গ. into
  • ঘ. on

উত্তরঃ aside


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