
676. She is good ---- lawn tennis.

  • ক. at
  • খ. on
  • গ. in
  • ঘ. for

উত্তরঃ at


677. Sonia has been sick ---- two months.

  • ক. from
  • খ. for
  • গ. since
  • ঘ. about

উত্তরঃ for


678. I congratulate him ---- his success.

  • ক. on
  • খ. at
  • গ. in
  • ঘ. from

উত্তরঃ on


679. Judge found him guilty --- murder.

  • ক. for
  • খ. with
  • গ. of
  • ঘ. against

উত্তরঃ of


680. Select the word to fill in the gap : 'Life is a tale told --- an idiot'.

  • ক. before
  • খ. with
  • গ. to
  • ঘ. by

উত্তরঃ by


681. Find the correct use of 'with' --

  • ক. He was very nice with me
  • খ. Be patient with him
  • গ. The teacher was trembling with rage
  • ঘ. I am cross with you

উত্তরঃ Be patient with him


682. Which one is dissimilar ?

  • ক. Thought
  • খ. As
  • গ. Into
  • ঘ. But

উত্তরঃ Into


683. Find out the correct sentence of the following:

  • ক. He availed with the opportunity
  • খ. He was availed with the opportunity
  • গ. He was availed of the opportunity
  • ঘ. He was availed himself of the opportunity

উত্তরঃ He was availed himself of the opportunity


685. Bangladesh was liberated --- 1971.

  • ক. on
  • খ. at
  • গ. before
  • ঘ. in

উত্তরঃ in


689. The man was accused --- murder.

  • ক. to
  • খ. of
  • গ. with
  • ঘ. for

উত্তরঃ of


690. My brother has no appetite --- food.

  • ক. at
  • খ. for
  • গ. to
  • ঘ. in

উত্তরঃ for


691. A man is known ---- the company he keeps.

  • ক. with
  • খ. by
  • গ. for
  • ঘ. to

উত্তরঃ to


692. I have been suffering --- fever for the last two days.

  • ক. with
  • খ. from
  • গ. in
  • ঘ. of

উত্তরঃ from


694. Sumi is looking for an apartment ---- the park.

  • ক. at
  • খ. of
  • গ. to
  • ঘ. near

উত্তরঃ near


695. The Queen is said --- Australia next year .

  • ক. to have visited
  • খ. to visit
  • গ. to be visiting
  • ঘ. that she will visit

উত্তরঃ to be visiting


696. I get up before ----- sunrise .

  • ক. a
  • খ. an
  • গ. the
  • ঘ. at

উত্তরঃ at


697. Rashed will come to Bangladesh ---- plane.

  • ক. with
  • খ. from
  • গ. by
  • ঘ. at

উত্তরঃ by


698. Please come ---- my office.

  • ক. by
  • খ. at
  • গ. on
  • ঘ. to

উত্তরঃ to


699. I was disappointed --- the grades I received on my last essay.

  • ক. by
  • খ. to
  • গ. with/in
  • ঘ. at

উত্তরঃ at


700. How did you get an appointment --- Dr. Howard?

  • ক. by
  • খ. with
  • গ. at
  • ঘ. to

উত্তরঃ with


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