
602. My brother has no interest --- music.

  • ক. for
  • খ. in
  • গ. with
  • ঘ. at

উত্তরঃ in


603. He is devoid --- common sense.

  • ক. of
  • খ. from
  • গ. introduction
  • ঘ. at

উত্তরঃ of


604. The disgusted man grumbled --- his fate.

  • ক. on
  • খ. to
  • গ. against
  • ঘ. at

উত্তরঃ at


605. I should appreciate if you complete this work --- Thursday.

  • ক. till
  • খ. until
  • গ. upto
  • ঘ. by

উত্তরঃ by


606. He is aflicted --- gout.

  • ক. to
  • খ. of
  • গ. on
  • ঘ. with

উত্তরঃ with


607. He divided the money --- the two children.

  • ক. over
  • খ. in between
  • গ. among
  • ঘ. between

উত্তরঃ between


609. He does not attend --- his office timely.

  • ক. to
  • খ. in
  • গ. at
  • ঘ. on

উত্তরঃ at


610. I finally killed the fly ---- a rolled up newspaper.

  • ক. by
  • খ. with
  • গ. through
  • ঘ. from

উত্তরঃ with


611. Why are you so angry ---- ?

  • ক. about
  • খ. at
  • গ. with
  • ঘ. for

উত্তরঃ for


612. Fill in the blanks. Qamran is good --- Mathematics.

  • ক. at
  • খ. in
  • গ. with
  • ঘ. for

উত্তরঃ at


613. The children were entrusted --- the care of their uncle.

  • ক. with
  • খ. for
  • গ. to
  • ঘ. at

উত্তরঃ to


614. Where has this letter come --?

  • ক. to
  • খ. on
  • গ. from
  • ঘ. for

উত্তরঃ from


615. He parted --- his friends in tears.

  • ক. with
  • খ. from
  • গ. against
  • ঘ. beside

উত্তরঃ from


616. He has deprived --- his paternal property.

  • ক. from
  • খ. of
  • গ. with
  • ঘ. in

উত্তরঃ of


617. I decided to go --- with my friend as I needed some exercise.

  • ক. to a walk
  • খ. for a walk
  • গ. for walking
  • ঘ. walk

উত্তরঃ for a walk


618. My friend always goes home ---- foot.

  • ক. by
  • খ. with
  • গ. on a
  • ঘ. on

উত্তরঃ on


619. It has been raining --- morning.

  • ক. from
  • খ. in
  • গ. since
  • ঘ. for

উত্তরঃ since


621. My sister brings colour and happiness ---- my life.

  • ক. to
  • খ. with
  • গ. in
  • ঘ. on

উত্তরঃ to


622. We need two hundred dollars --- this to pay for everything.

  • ক. as well
  • খ. also
  • গ. beside
  • ঘ. besides

উত্তরঃ besides


623. We went --- a party --- Rita's house on Sunday.

  • ক. for , to
  • খ. to ,at
  • গ. on ,at
  • ঘ. to ,to

উত্তরঃ to ,at


624. My wife reminded me ----

  • ক. of my appointment
  • খ. to go my appointment
  • গ. to my appointment
  • ঘ. my appointment

উত্তরঃ of my appointment


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