
576. I never apprehensive --- my success.

  • ক. for
  • খ. of
  • গ. at
  • ঘ. with

উত্তরঃ of


577. --- his earlier study, the Professor's new study indicates a general warning trend in global weather.

  • ক. In contrast of
  • খ. In contrast to
  • গ. In contrast by
  • ঘ. In contrast as

উত্তরঃ In contrast to


578. Fill in the gap: He is good --- fishing.

  • ক. in
  • খ. about
  • গ. at
  • ঘ. on

উত্তরঃ at


580. Julia has been ill ---- three months.

  • ক. since
  • খ. about
  • গ. in
  • ঘ. for

উত্তরঃ for


581. Fill in the blanks. I shall do it ---- pleasure.

  • ক. in
  • খ. at
  • গ. into
  • ঘ. with

উত্তরঃ with


583. He broke the jug ---- a hundred pieces.

  • ক. in
  • খ. at
  • গ. into
  • ঘ. with

উত্তরঃ into


585. There is no alternative ---- training.

  • ক. to
  • খ. for
  • গ. than
  • ঘ. of

উত্তরঃ to


586. Anger may be compared --- fire.

  • ক. with
  • খ. to
  • গ. on
  • ঘ. against

উত্তরঃ to


588. They travelled to Savar ---- .

  • ক. on foot
  • খ. by walking
  • গ. on the feet
  • ঘ. by foot

উত্তরঃ on foot


592. Many prefer donating money --- distributing clothes.

  • ক. than
  • খ. but
  • গ. to
  • ঘ. without

উত্তরঃ to


593. The policeman rescused the child ---- danger.

  • ক. of
  • খ. from
  • গ. on
  • ঘ. at

উত্তরঃ from


594. Rizvi requested Rini ----- telephone to attend the meeting.

  • ক. over
  • খ. through
  • গ. with
  • ঘ. by

উত্তরঃ over


596. I am not good ---- translation.

  • ক. in
  • খ. about
  • গ. with
  • ঘ. at

উত্তরঃ at


597. 'Hurry up! we have to go ---- five minutes'

  • ক. in
  • খ. on
  • গ. by
  • ঘ. for

উত্তরঃ in


598. Every driver must be held --- his own actions.

  • ক. responsible for
  • খ. responsible to
  • গ. liable to
  • ঘ. blamed for

উত্তরঃ responsible for


599. 'Prior to' means --

  • ক. after
  • খ. before
  • গ. immediately
  • ঘ. during the period of

উত্তরঃ before


600. Choose the correct sentence.

  • ক. The train is running in time.
  • খ. The train is running on time.
  • গ. The train is running with time.
  • ঘ. The train is running to time.

উত্তরঃ The train is running on time.


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